With a rich background in aviation and it being one of our main business areas we are again this year sponsoring the Bristol Airport Aviation Fair which is run in aid of Childrens Hospice South West. The event is organised by Simon Fewkes, Director of eckhoMedia working closely with Bristol Airport to put together an aviation fair that includes exhibits, things to see and do and great views of an airport that the general public don’t often get the chance to experience.
All money raised from the fair will be donated to the airport charity of the year, which this year is Childrens Hospice South West. Being the third fair of its kind this is set to be the largest fair to date held in the Admin Building at the airport.
We will be providing website support, ticket sale management, signage design, marketing and publicity and sponsoring the hire of tables for exhibitors. It is truly a great day and we are proud to be involved and sponsor such a worthwhile event and cause.
You can find out more about the event by visiting the Bristol Airport Spotting events website.